Research and development

Development of unique electric machines according to customer’s technical requirements, participation in R&D of systems using electric machines and drive technology.

R&D work is carried out by our own development team with the involvement of scientific and technical cooperation, including scientists and specialists from leading national universities: St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, The First Electrotechnical University, St.Petersburg Mining University , Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Tomsk State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Currently, there is experience in performing development work on the orders of customers from the food, automotive, shipbuilding and radio-electronic industries.

In addition, services are provided for designing the structures and mechanisms necessary for the specific use of electric machines in power plants, in moving vehicle systems: couplings, chassis, spindles, carts, gears, rotary devices, linear drives, stands, etc., as well as services for organizing testing and commissioning of electrical machines.



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